
The Beacon Institute’s Grants Division seeks funding from Federal, State, and local agencies as well as private and non-public sources to finance projects consistent with the mission and goals of the Institute. We develop grant projects that:

  • Enhance quality of life for recipients of long-term care services in nursing homes, assisted living facilities and residential settings.
  • Strengthen the capacity of the workforce serving older adults, particularly in the areas of health and long-term care.
  • Improve care coordination in facilities and between facilities and health care providers
  • Promote best practices or innovative approaches in care for seniors
  • Pilot and test new practices and models for delivering services for Maryland’s elderly. 

Current Grants:

  1. Brain Injury 2.0: Skilled Nursing Facility Edition


Products produced from grants:

The Nursing Assessment Skills Toolkit

The Discharge Planning Toolkit

White Paper"Cognitive Rehab Transitions: Findings and Recommendations"

Training video series:  Managing Residents With Traumatic Brain Injuries 


Closed Grants

  1. Improving Nursing Staff Knowledge and Skills to Identify Changes in Resident Status

  2. Cognitive Rehab Transitions Project

  3. Maryland Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (MOLST) Awareness Project

  4. Person Centered Pilot Training: Best Practices in Dementia Care 

  5. Improving Nursing Home Discharges Phase I


For more information on grant projects, contact Lesley Flaim, Grant Programs Manager.