Becoming a member of LifeSpan is easy! Simply email Jamie Jaegers or give us a call today at 410-381-1176 ext 229. We can provide a dues estimate, send you an application or do your paperwork and take payment over the phone.
Business Associate Benefits
Grow Your Business: Associate Membership benefits are designed to enhance your company’s visibility and provide opportunities for you to interact with Provider Members. Associate Members are a vital part of the association, bringing support, expert services and quality products to Provider Members. LifeSpan supports it’s Associate Members by helping them to develop strong and lasting business relationships. Other benefits include:
- Listing on LifeSpan’s website
- Cross-promotion by LifeSpan on LifeSpan social media sites
- Sponsorship opportunities: they include educational seminars, peer-to-peer networking events, ofices, and conferences such as the Leadership Summit and annual conference
- Discounted registration for educational seminars at the Beacon Institute (LifeSpan's educational affiliate)
- Discounted registration at the LifeSpan annual conference - to attend OR to exhibit
- Sharing your expertise - teach a class at The Beacon Institute
- Information – timely updates and information on industry trends, and legislative and regulatory issues via e-news and public policy reports
- The opportunity to participate on LifeSpan boards and committees