Government resource links - Here you will find helpful links to state and Federal resources and information in the area of senior services.
Other resources
- Maryland Hospital Association (MHA) - LifeSpan & Beacon are working with MHA and partner organizations to offer training via webinars, conference calls, seminars, roundtables and summits to reduce avoidable hospital readmissions and build partnerships across the continuum. LifeSpan is urging its members to take action!
MHA Partnership Tools:
- Post-Acute Care Market Profile - this listing identifies SNF providers within each hospital's region, and the percent of patient discharges to each SNF. It also reports the percent of discharges to home health and to a patient's own home.
- Skilled Nursing Facility Partnership Development Guide - this is a very detailed guide for hospital staff meant to facilitate communication with SNFs, includes an INTERACT Capabilities List that SNFs could be asked to complete, and includes key quality, cost, and staffing measures, including readmissions rates for each SNF. MHA intends to update this nearly 500 page guide annually!
- Home Health Agency Partnership Development Guide - this guide aims to help Maryland’s hospitals identify, develop, and strengthen formal and informal partnerships with home health agencies that demonstrate high quality and cost-efficient care
- DHMH P4P HISTORICAL RANKINGS The primary goal of Maryland Medicaid's Nursing Home Pay-for-Performance program (P4P) is to improve the quality of care for nursing home residents. The Pay-For-Performance program awards facilities who perform highly on certain quality indicators.
- CMS 5 Star Nursing Home Compare Rankings Back in 2008 CMS began posting Nursing Home Compare, and ranking nursing facilities by a "5 Star" system, based on a formula measuring survey results, staffing data, and quality measures. The goal was to assist consumers in making distinctions between the good and bad performers. Today, the 5 Star Rating is more important than ever, affecting hospital and post-acute partnerships, Value-Based-Purchasing and on the horizon, reimbursement.
- INTERACT (Interventions to Reduce Acute Care Transfers) is a quality improvement program that focuses on the management of acute change in resident condition. It includes clinical and educational tools and strategies for use in every day practice in long-term care facilities. Available forms:
- Nursing Home Capabilities Form
- Nursing Home to Hospital Transfer Form
- Assisted Living Capabilities Form
- Assisted Living to Hospital Transfer Form
- Home Health Care Capabilities Form
- Home Health Care to Hospital Transfer Form
- Decision Guide Available: Go To The Hospital or Stay Here?
- Potentially Avoidable ED Visits
- Chesapeake Regional Information System for our Patients (CRISP): CRISP is Maryland’s state designated health information exchange (HIE). CRISP is a not-for-profit organization charged with electronically connecting healthcare providers across the region.
- MOLST Training: Request a FREE Presentation by a Certified MOLST Trainer; MOLST Form
- Emergency and Disaster Planning: The following forms are available:
- Preventing Abuse and Neglect: Protecting the Resident and Staff in Long-Term Care Facilities
- Health Quality Innovators (HQI) Resource Center: Offering improvement tools, tip sheets, web links and resources for a wide range of health care providers, patients and community organizations.
- Discharge Planning Toolkit: Resources for discharging from the nursing home to the community
- Nursing Assessment Skills Toolkit: Reseources and training for clinical care staff
- Legislative Advocacy Toolkit: How and when to advocate at the state government level